lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Why do people think we all need to be loved...?

By  Christiam F Álvarez
Why do people think we all need to be loved...?

I mean, we were born alone...

Are we really meant to be with someone else...?

What if not all of us have another half...?

Why do we even need to look for another half...?

Is it not enough with just ourselves...?

Can someone be happy with just him/herself...?

I mean, no one else but us know what we actually want or need to be happy...

Why do we rely our own happiness in someone elses back, then?

I just think love and happiness are both true misteries...

And we better leave them like that... and just enjoy...

We can be happy by ourselves, or with someone else...

As long as we´re happy... everything will be just fine...

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